Document Type : Scientific Research


Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Muslim sages have constantly raised the question of how to explain the creation and existence of beings in the face of the problem of forgery and occurrence. Was the creation repulsive or gradual? Mirdamad, relying on the originality of essences in response to this question, designed the theory of the one-time (Dafe wahid). According to which all levels of existence, both material and non-material, have emerged through the forgery of a single or a single time. The author tries to show that the doctrine in the system of transcendent wisdom of Mulla Sadra is precisely transformed in a new structure of temporal occurrence and paves the way for the movement of substance. Therefore, the author achieves two important conclusions from the point of view of chronological occurrence (Hoduth zamani) by reading the theory of one-time occurrence: The first is the evolution of the meaning of the occurrence of the natural world. In the sense that every natural being and all its aspects have a drinking identity in their essence and at any time, and it is the same as occurrence. Second, because the natural world is nothing but natural beings and their affairs, so the whole natural world is a time event at any moment. In this way, the author shows that by reading the doctrine of the one-time from the point of view of temporal occurrence, a kind of exact convergence between the two points of view is finally revealed.


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