The aims and objectives of biannual Journal of Sadra's Wisdom

Our aims and objectives in journal of Sadrai Wisdom is to concentrate on new versions of Transcendent Wisdom through exploring various aspects of Mulla Sadra and his components and pupil’s philosophical thoughts in Tehran, Esfahan and Qom schools. By this means, we will provide a proper context to approach contemporary philosophical problems based, on this philosophy.



Journal of Sadra’i Wisdom welcomes research papers in the fields of:

-         The thinking of Sadraian philosophers in the field of Islamic philosophy

-         The thinking of Sadrian philosophers in the field of morality and philosophy of religion

-         The thinking of Sadrian philosophers in the field of ontology

-         The thinking of Sadrian philosophers in the field of epistemology

-         The thinking of Sadrian philosophers in the field of theology

-         The thinking of Sadrian philosophers in the field of mysticism

-         The principles of Sadrian philosophy concerning the philosophy of art and political philosophy

-         Revisioning the Sadrian philosophy concerning  philosophy of religion and moral philosophy

-         Mulla Sadra’s innovations in Islamic philosophy

-         Comparing Sadrian philosophy with modern philosophical thoughts

-         The position of Sadrian philosophy in Islamic world