Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Prof., Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Sciences, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student in Political Science, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Political Sciences, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran.


Definition and different approaches to “eudemonia”, as a principle idea of the human life, and “politics, as a collection of power-based cross-social agreements, have always drawn the attention of the Muslim Philosophers, including Sadr-ul-Motealehin. The present study seeks to find out what is the relationship between eudemonia and politics and how are these concepts defined in Mulla Sadra’s thought. Sadr-ul-Motealehin advocates concomitance of existence and eudemonia, and believes that eudemonia is the ultimate goal of humans corresponding to their place and power of perception. Indeed, Mulla Sadra’s definition of eudemonia is reflected by his cross-linking perception of the concept of blessedness, and concomitance of existence and goodness, blessedness, perfection, joy, and happiness. He plots his theoretical philosophy aiming to promote and encourage personal development, and believes that eudemonia is achieved be means of personal development with the help of theoretical and practical wisdom. In his perspective, sublime happiness is not in contradiction with the worldly happiness. In his explanation of the worldly happiness, he draws the attentions to the significance of household management and politics as the prerequisites of the hereafter bliss. In terms of politics, the politics that Mulla Sadra plots in brief is a part of the process of personal development, and the soul’s blissful becoming on the two wings of theoretical and practical wisdoms that direct the soul to the Heaven. Referring to the definition of the transcendent practical philosophy, Mulla Sadra defines the politics as reflection of the Divine’s attributes in the political realm of human life, and bringing the same order of the Heavenly World into this realm. The ultimate goal of this process is promoting personal development. Personal development and blessedness are similar concepts that are separated merely in analysis. Involvement in the society is considered as a condition for evolution and blessedness of the humans, and material prosperity is the only way to the hereafter bliss. This cannot be achieved unless the human is in good physical conditions, human generations are continued, and humankind is well protected. These goals cannot be realized without instruments that protect them, keep them away from harms, and meet their interests. Such instruments are the functions carried out by the states and general affairs of their political life. On the other hand, realization of this goal requires full involvement of human as head of the society, who has achieved the ultimate bliss. The politics plotted in Mulla Sadra’s theory is not a religion-free political philosophy. In his definition of politics, he spares his utmost effort to ensure blessedness of the people of the utopia, so that the perfect human achieves the ultimate goal, which is annihilation in God. In this study a method, similar to Eric Hirsch’s objective hermeneutics and its principles, is used to answer the research question and explain the findings.


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