Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur, Iran.

2 Ph.D. of Transcendent Wisdom, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Neyshabur University, Neyshabur, Iran.


One of the viewpoints about bodily resurrection is Ghazali's theory, which believes in the alike of the otherworldly body and the worldly body. On the other hand, Mulla Sadra explained the physical resurrection according to the principles of his philosophical system and concluded that the soul and the body will be the same. Mulla Sadra criticizes Ghazali's theory; He considers the most important criticism of Ghazali's theory to be that it is not compatible with rational principles and that his opinion requires reincarnation. In this article, we have examined Mulla Sadra's criticisms of Ghazali on the issue of physical resurrection, and following that, we have stated the similarities and differences between the theories of these two thinkers. The similarities and differences between these two theories can be found through the method of intellectual analysis and through the analysis of Mulla Sadra's discussion on Ghazali. Similarities can be seen between the theory of these two thinkers regarding the survival of the soul after death and the intellectual celibacy of the soul, although these two theories are distinct and different from each other in their approach to the nature of the human soul and the relationship between the soul and the body. Therefore, in the quality of the afterlife body, they interpreted it as the similarity or objectivity of the afterlife body with the worldly body, but this difference is in the interpretation, and in fact, the meaning of these two thinkers is the same thing, and that is that the identity between the person in the afterlife and the world is established.


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