Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor of Philosophy Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate Professor of Wisdom and Theology Department, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The process of transversal legislative revelation of the treatise is consistent with five concepts in Ibn Arabi's mystical system. The main issue in this article is what these concepts are and how to consolidate them into the process of revelation of the Prophet in the complex and intertwined network of fluid concepts of Ibn Arabi's epistemology. The approaches obtained in this research show that the five concepts of "minute", "dilution", "soul", "light" and "tip" are focused on each other in the process of revelation and complement each other. The minute positioning and determination of both sides of the main negativity provides the possibility of any awareness and emergence, such as the possibility of the emergence of legal awareness and revelation of the treatise. Thinning is the radius of the data of the nominal truths which performs the illumination of the illumination. Dilution is the radius of the data of the nominal truths which performs the illumination of the brightness and in the process of revelation, determines and mediates the names involved in revelation, that is, life, light, wise, sage, speaker, hearer, and seer at the source of the eternity of the heart. The soul is the same as the derivatives of the divine names (truth), especially the name of revelation, which mediates the determination of the truth of the invisible and reasonable, but effective name of revelation in the eyes of the nobles, especially the heart of the prophet. And light is the illumination of the truth of the name of light, which has the aspect of revealing the essence for itself and, consequently, for the manifestations of itself, and its string-like radii make it pos.


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