Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Payame Noor University, Tehran. Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student of Philosophy of Religion, Payame Noor University, Tehran. Iran.


Plantinga is one of the virtue-oriented philosophers and in epistemology, he has an approach of reliability and extroversion, in virtue-based reliability, the virtue and vice characteristics of the knowing agent, including the characteristics and aptitude of epistemological powers, are emphasized for Modi on the truth of belief. In general epistemology, Plantinga presented the theory of guarantee in the mechanism of the correct functioning of powers, and to guarantee the four conditions of the contract, which are: correctness of cognitive powers, correctness of work and suitable environment, purpose and plan, in religious epistemology, Plantinga considers humans to have a divine sense that Under the right circumstances, an actualized sense of theology produces honest religious beliefs. According to Mullah Sadra, the perceptive powers and the characteristics of the cognitive subject are effective in the formation of beliefs. With the condition of virtue of the perceptive powers regarding religious propositions, he distinguishes the powers that generate sincere religious beliefs from other powers. are, with the two processes of revelation and inspiration, the originator of honest religious belief, knowing the infallibility of honest beliefs resulting from the power of sanctity and recognizing the powers of perception of religious propositions as inherent, the wideness of honest religious beliefs and the influence of non-cognitive factors affecting knowledge and the role of moral virtues in Knowledge is one of the reasons for the similarity of Mulla Sadra's view to Plantinga.


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