Document Type : Scientific Research


Professor of Department of Philosophy and Theology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Fear of death is necessary and like death itself is one of the wisdom of God. Philosophical and existential reasons based on actual and ultimate causes, which are the characteristics of Mulla Sadra, are his two main reasons for explaining this fear. The soul is the cause of fear because it is the lover of God and the attribute of His immortality, and it dislikes worldly decline due to the dominance of the bodily rules. The existential end of this fear inherent in the soul is also the protection of the body to attain the perfection it deserves. Sadra's non-existent reasons for the soul's fear of the death of the body are axiological (moral), epistemological, and psychological. The solutions inferred from his work to overcome fear are epistemological; because, in principle, the fear of death is useless and escaping from it is useless. To overcome this fear, one must understand the knowledge of God and the secret of divine destiny. There are many similarities between Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra in presenting non-existent reasons. The cure for this fear, from Ibn Sina's point of view, is totally epistemological, and from Mullah.


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