Examining the Concept of “Succession” in the Process of Lawrence Krauss’ theory of Creation and its Criticism based on Thought of Allameh Tabatabai

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student in Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Law and Jurisprudence, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Krauss believes in the spontaneous creation of the world from nothing, and considers the beginning of the world from a Big Bang that is constantly expanding; means infinity of time and space. Therefore, the succession is possible in his opinion. Therefore, he objects to the claim of theologians who prove the first cause by the rule of "succession" and says that if we consider a supernatural being that is outside the system of nature, it leads to the fact that we must put one prior and the other latter, because the series of causes must end somewhere. Therefore, he believes in the succession within nature. The present study criticizes Krauss's thought based on Allameh's thought with descriptive method. Allameh believes that this whole world is a personal unit like the human body with all its parts and composed of series of causes and effects that require a cause on top of each other. By combining the two proofs of occurrence, necessity and possibility, he has presented a distinctive proof and claims that the universe is constantly occurrence due to the intrinsic movement, and because it is a total external existence, as a unit of occurrence, it needs a cause, and if someone denies the intrinsic movement of the universe, its inherent possibility is undeniable, because the universe has quiddity, and the necessity of quiddity is the inherent possibility; therefore, every possibility needs a cause. Consequently, this universe requires a first cause, which is proved through the rule of succession.


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