Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Specialized Doctorate in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Department of Islamic Studies, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of the Research Institute of Hikmat and Philosophy of Iran, Tehran, Iran.


Extracting multiple concepts from a single instance is one of the philosophical issues that are used in philosophical subjects and argumentations. Is it possible to extract multiple concepts from a single instance? Some believe that this is possible and some believe that this is not possible. In this study, using the analytical-rational method, it is concluded that it is possible to extract multiple concepts from a single entity, and extracting multiple concepts from the simple instance occurs in some cases since it has a single dignity, and this quality is one of the properties of the mind that creates multiple concepts; Of course, from the qualities that exist outside and do not cause pluralism in their subject although this process relies on the degree and order of existence of the instance; That is, the more complete and robust the instance is, the more concepts the mind will extract from it, inasmuch as the opposite concepts, like  the First and the Last, can be extracted from the most complete instance and attributed to them. This selected view has effects and consequences that are discussed in the paper.


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