Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Member of the Faculty of Philosophy, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

2 Member of philosophy department of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences

3 Ph.D. student of Razavi University

4 Ph.D. student of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences



Undoubtedly, in addition to being responsible for guidance, the teachings of Sharia are also discoverers of reality, and sometimes the ultimate achievements of human science are reflected in the most subtle expressions of Sharia. Therefore, different schools and sometimes opposing viewpoints claim to adapt their knowledge to the themes of the Shari'ah, the noble hadith "Knowledge is poured into the heart" is one of the traditions that exemplify different understandings of the truth of science being external to the essence, to the unification of all sciences with the essence. has taken, judging these views and evaluating their credibility requires a wider scope, but the research question is whether the final view of Islamic wisdom, which is manifested in the sublime wisdom, can be a more reasonable interpretation and a more acceptable harmony than other views. In this article, we have shown in an analytical-comparative way that, contrary to the viewpoints that sometimes consider the soul as material and dark and the truth of science as outside of the essence, and sometimes consider science as inherent to the soul, Islamic wisdom is between the material existence and the isolation of the soul. On the one hand and the acquisition and unification of sciences on the other hand, he has collected and presented a better interpretation of the interpretation of knowledge in this narrative, in the wisdom of the Supreme, the human soul is material at the beginning and it happened with the creation of the body, but gradually and with the movement of substance to The status of purgatory and total celibacy has reached, from the level of sensory perception to illusion and example, and then the understanding of intellectual generalities and above that; He attains the rank of Ain al-Iqin and observing the names and attributes of God


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