The Tawatur in Mystical Experiences; Formulation and Challenges

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Philosophy. Faculty of Letters and Human sciences. Shahid Beheshti Universty. Tehran. Iran

2 Prof., Department of Philosophy and Theology, Baqir al-Olum Universty, Qom, Iran


One proposed solution to address the validity of mystical experiences for non-mystics is to emphasize their frequency (tawatur). This approach suggests that certain mystical claims can be considered valid due to multiple reports from different mystics. This solution, which has been considered in Mulla Sadra's philosophy after Suhrawardi, can be seen as one of the best approaches in addressing the mentioned issue. However, even in recent research in the field of philosophy of mysticism and religion, the details of this solution have not been fully investigated. This article aims to logically formulate and elaborate on this solution using an analytical-descriptive approach, discussing key components, assumptions, and challenges. The necessary steps to achieve this goal can be outlined in six stages: first, examining the inherent validity of mystical experiences for the mystic themselves; second, establishing the possibility of sharing in mystical experiences; third, proving the occurrence of this sharing through the existence of an effective cause and the absence of obstacles; fourth, demonstrating the frequency (tawatur) of mystical experiences with necessary and sufficient conditions; fifth, discussing the authenticity and validity of tawatur; and finally, demonstrating the effectiveness of authentic tawatur in solving the problem of generalizing mystical experiences. In conclusion, if the claim of tawatur in a mystical experience successfully passes through these stages, it can be considered valid for non-mystics as well.


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