Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Associate Professor of Department of Phlosophy and Theology , Institute for Research and Development the Humanities , SAMT

2 Baqer Uloom University



Discussing and examining categories and their types is always considered as one of the most important topics among philosophical issues. Bag category is one of these ten categories. This category includes different types, of which the tangible bag is one of its types. Light is one of the perceptible qualities that Mullasadra tries to explain.In order to explain this importance, after explaining the literal meaning of this concept, he tried to express the relationship that exists between light and color and considers it to be the same as emergence and revelation. Although he is influenced by Fakhrazi's similar content in Al-Mabahari al-Mashrekhiya in expressing this issue, at the same time, he has explained his own point of view on this matter, which is contrary to Fakhr's approach.

Community Verified icoh.Sadr al-Mutalahin considers light to be a creative entity whose material is not a condition for its creation, and at the same time, he considers tangible light to mean the existence of a physical essence that is present to the soul. Using the analytical-comparative method, this article aims to first explain the approach of Mullasadra, then try to defend his approach by stating the flaws.


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