The Relationship between Active Intellect (demiurgus) and Prophet's Power of Perception from the Perspective of Farabi and Ibn ،SinaCompare it with Malasadra

Document Type : Research Article


1 humanities،Faculty theology،payamNoor university،Tehran

2 humanities،faculty theology،payamNooruniversity

3 humanities Faculty theology payamNoor university

4 humanities Faculty theology payamNoor university Qomiran



The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between active intellect (demiurgus) and the Prophet's power of perception from the perspective of Farabi and Ibn Sina. Farabi considers the active intellect as the same as the Holy Spirit or Gabriel. According to Ibn Sina, active intellect is manifested as the revelation angel. Unlike Farabi, Ibn Sina expresses the imagination and imaginative powers as two separate powers that present different functions. Ibn Sina defines imagination as a materialist power without any abstraction, while Farabi does not explicitly comment on the abstraction and materialist aspects of imagination. Farabi believes that Prophet can inform the divine issues as he is aware of such issues that have been accepted by his imagination due to his active intellect. In the viewpoint of Ibn Sina, because of the power of the common sense of Prophet towards the most severity and pure passivity, He can receive the details of revelation's concepts without ambiguity and keep them in his treasury of imagination. Like Farabi, Ibn Sina pays attention to imagination power in explaining revelation without having any problem with details. He also considers the impact of the Prophet's ego in the world of creation, inactivity (or passivity), and the nature elements' obedience of Prophet's ego, while such features are not found in Farabi's works. In the viewpoint of Farabi, imagination and imaginative powers are the same cases with two functions, while Ibn Sina sees them as two separate powers that act differently.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 26 October 2024
  • Receive Date: 12 July 2021
  • Revise Date: 19 August 2024
  • Accept Date: 03 July 2023