Explaining the possibility or impossibility of repentance by paying attention to the relationship between belief and behavior (with emphasis on Sadr al-Mutalahin Shirazi's point of view)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Doctoral student of Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University.Tehran, Iran



Paying attention to the relationship between belief and behavior can explain the possibility of repentance in a different way. The present study tries to answer this question, what effect does Mulla Sadra's view on the relationship between belief, behavior (queen) and behavior (action) have on his explanation of the possibility of repentance? The purpose of the research is to explain Sadra's view of the possibility or impossibility of repentance, which is followed by descriptive-analytical method. According to Sadra, repentance depends on recognizing the sin and disgust for it, which leads to regret from the past and then the intention (or action) of giving up the sin. So repentance has three pillars of knowledge, repentance and intention (or action). A degree of knowledge leads to repentance and the effect of this scientific return is also revealed in attitudes and behaviors. Repentance is related to the essential movement of striving. During repentance, the soul enters into a new existence with all its being and powers and transforms into a superior and more complete essence in a continuous and connected manner. Sadra does not give knowledge to someone whose soul is filled with animal kingdoms and has an evil nature. Because possessions and actions are the manifestation and fruit of knowledge, and repentance as action is the fruit of knowledge. Therefore, if the soul reaches the rank of queen and influence, it will no longer be possible to repent. But before reaching the stage of habit and queen, repentance is possible.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 28 December 2024
  • Receive Date: 03 July 2024
  • Revise Date: 28 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 28 December 2024