Document Type : Scientific Research



One of the most important philosophical issues is how the accidental creature of nature is related to Almighty God who has no accident in his nature and is eternal. The substantial motion theory of Mulla Sadra is one of the important innovations which based on the principality of   existence that has been able to be responsive to this issue. Since it is necessary to review the philosophers after Mulla Sadra, in this paper, we review Mirza Abulhassan Jelveh (1314 H) on the relation of the accident to the eternal. Hakim Jelveh in his essay  "Fi bayan rabt alhadeth belghadim (An Essay on The Relation of The Accidental to The Eternal )" states  the impossibility of the creating a moving creature from the fixed and unmoving creature and tries to solve the problem of the relation of the accident to the eternal  with the help of  placing Ferris moves  as  intermediary between the accidental and the eternal and has disagreed with the Sadr-al-Moteallhein’s approach. The ideas of this theological Hakim have been discussed and investigated¸ and the findings showed that his criticism is the result of his peripatetic approach and his neglect from the basic principles of the Sadra’s philosophy. Also, like Avicenna in his answer to the relation of the accident to the eternal, Mirza Abulhassan Jeveh has confused the rules of existence with the rules of nature.


Main Subjects

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