Document Type : Scientific Research



The Quran has two different approaches to human; idealistic and realistic view. In the first look, the Quran says that all human beings have the ability to achieve its ultimate perfection and the expectation of all people, is right expectation. But from another perspective, it believes that the majority of people will not be able to achieve this task. According to Mulla Sadra With principles such a existentialism, Substantial motion of soul, unity of perceiver and perceived and other principle of Transcendent Wisdom can be said that The human soul with its substantive motion And with the right choice of right Comprehensions and in total by Proper training of practical and theoretical reason can reach his self to a full Immaterial. Yet the majority of people are Unaware of this important task and choose another way in the personal life. idealistic, realistic, full immaterial. existentialism. Substantial motion. m m m


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم.
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