Document Type : Scientific Research



Proposed in the fields of old geometry and natural philosophy, the problem of finiteness or infiniteness of bodily objects is one of the philosophical problems that had been demonstrated by appealing to mathematical propositions. The goal of exposing this problem to discussion was to demonstrate that the physical world has a boundary and to determine where the boundary could be find. However, the line of argument was not as saying that any physical object has three limited directions, and so the universe as a collection of these objects must have a limitation; but the focus of discussion is on the heavens, especially on what limits the heavens and what there is beyond them. Is it vacuum or full? Or none of them? If it is vacuum, whether it could be drawn an extension at there? And, if it were so, what kind of extension?
In response to the above questions, natural philosophers provided some demonstrations that lead to the finiteness of dimensions. In this paper, after discussing the viewpoints of Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra, who are the representatives of Peripatetic philosophy, illuminative philosophy, and Transcendent Theosophy, respectively, the criticisms of Allama Hasan-zada Amoli to these demonstrations will be given. According to him, because these demonstrations fail to prove the finiteness of physical world, and since the Divine works and deeds are not restricted to the visible world, and he do what he do beyond this bodily world, there must be another world or worlds with some other creatures. By doing so, he proves not only that the existential Words of God, which are His onomastic status and rank, are infinite, but also the Words of physical world and the very physical world are infinite.


Main Subjects

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