Document Type : Scientific Research



Principality of existence is a fundamental concept in transcendent theosophy. One of the objections to this philosophy is that principality of existence attends with the necessary existence of all beings in themselves. Mulla Sadra offers two responses to this objection the first of which is based on distinguishing the double meanings of the term “by itself”. The second response focuses on the indigence possibility and need for distinguishing between logical and philosophical inherent necessity. Majority of thinkers have focused on one of these responses; yet, this approach will not be able to solve this contradiction and the right pass to do so is using both responses to change the principle of the need for a cause from an essential need to an existential possibility. Therefore, an image is initially represented from the necessary existence allegation and then the famous objection of Suhrevardi to the necessity of existence is discussed. Later on, Mulla Sadra’s repose is stated and, according to this response, the main problem which is also the subject of this study is scrutinized.


Main Subjects

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