Document Type : Scientific Research


Believe in acquisition the nature of things in mind, in the discussion of mental existence is caused numerous difficulties in this context, such as predicating contrary affairs and accessories of nature to mind and above all, the union of two subjects. Many scholars seek to answer to these difficulties. One of these responses belongs to Fazil Qoushchi in his commentary on abstraction of opinion (Tajrid- Al- Eteghad). He tries to solve these problems by outlining the distinction between a thing which is appeared in the mind and a thing which is depended on the mind. That caused to constituting a new view about mental existence. Two interpretations have been raised about his view: Javadi Amoli suggests that his view is somewhat distinct from the MullaSadra's opinion but yet Javadi Amoli considers it acceptable by distinguishing between four matters: existence of knowledge, nature of knowledge, mental existence of the known and nature of the known. Hasanzadeh Amoli regards Qoushchi's view and Mulla Sadra's view as one and regards their difference in interpretation. For Hasanzadeh Amoli, the reason of impediment about his view by Mula Sadra is incorecct expression of Qushchi’s meaning and intention. In this research by read outing the Fazil's view and by accepting two interpretations, we introduce his view as a planning for next views. This research shows that Qoushchi's view is capable to response to proposed doubts concerning mental existence and it is correspond to the views of later philosophers.


Main Subjects

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