Document Type : Scientific Research



The problem of resurrection has been an important part of the Abrahamic religions and these religions have tried to deal with this issue in different approaches. In this paper, with an emphasis on comparative theology approach and by reviewing various theories about the physical and spiritual resurrection in Islam and Christianity, we will compare Mulla Sadra approach as a Muslim philosopher with a Christian philosopher St. Augustine approach concerning the question of the resurrection, and in particular the bodily resurrection. We will show that the type of anthropology and cosmology Mulla Sadra highlighted as the rational and textual proofs of bodily resurrection, as well as emphasizing the importance of the material world in a divine pre-order as one of the stages of human development and living in it as a creatures of God has great significance for human excellence to Armageddon. This approach manifests the importance of the various aspects of the physical and natural world for Islamic theology. But the kind of theological anthropology and cosmology Augustine presents, denies the importance of the material world and considers this world as the area of human punishment where he fall in as a result of original sin. According to him, material and mundane aspects of human life and even death understood and interpreted in the light of God's punishment and wrath. And prosperity and human emancipation will be possible only with the grace of God on the Day of Judgment. So the natural world In the Christian theology, contrary to Islamic theology, rejected and will be negative in many aspects.


Main Subjects

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