A Comparative Study of Mulla Sadra and Husserl on Mind Agency in Perception Process

Document Type : Research Article


1 Phd Condidate at Ferdowsi University of Mashha; Instructor of Islamic Azad University, Dariun branch

2 Professor of Philosophy and Hikmat, Ferdowsi University of Mashha


The study of mind as a faculty of the soul, which we acquire knowledge through it, is important in gaining correct conception about the process of perception. Among Islamic philosophers Mulla Sadra has a different opinion about soul and perception than his predecessors. Mulla Sadra’s different view about the levels of perception consists in the stages the soul gains through substantial motion through sense, imagination and intellect. To focus on the functions of the mind is important to perception process in Mulla Sadra. Among contemporary Western philosophers, Edmund Husserl was the first Philosopher that paid attention to the role of the mind. He is originator of theory of phenomenology in contemporary West. Husserl attended to the role of mind in perception process. He raised the sense and intellect perception and proposed different theories about mind and perception. This paper examines the philosopher's perspective about mind and perception.


Main Subjects

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