The Lived Experience and Knowledge by Presence: Two Approaches in Epistemological System of Dilthey and Mulla Sadra

Document Type : Research Article


1 Graduated of PhD in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Ilam

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Ilam


The lived experience, or Erlebnis, and "knowledge by presence" are two key concepts in the philosophies of Dilthey and Mulla Sadra. Insisting on immediatedness and infallibility of lived experience and knowledge by presence, both philosophers have try to ground the whole of human knowledge in the two way of cognition. Moreover, they do treat the understanding achieved in this manner, not much mere reception of external facts and passive act, but as an active act. The other point is that Dilthey believes that the scope of lived experience and the understanding derived from it, includes not just internal states of percipient but also internal states of the other people and manifestations of these states. However, knowledge by presence, for Mulla Sadra, has a more narrow extent; namely, it comprises only the soul and its faculties and states. Nevertheless, the problem that lived experience and knowledge by presence faced is subjectivity and relativity. Dilthey endeavor to overcome this difficulty through appeal to the unproven supposition of human congeniality in consciousness; while Mulla Sadra tries to cope with the problem in like manner, but basing on the principle of the unity of being.


Main Subjects

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