Sadrolmote'allehin and Allameh Tabataba'ee on the Heavenly Body

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Proffesor, Payame Noor University


The quality of heavenly body is one of the significant issues within physical resurrection domain. The main question is that whether the resurrected body in hereafter is elemental or ideal? And also does it differ with worldly and ideal body? Based on rational concepts such as the principality of existence, gradation of existence, individuation of existence, substantial motion, abstraction of imagination, Mulla Sadra has tried to illustrate the objectivity of both worldly and heavenly bodies; however, he was only successful to conclude that heavenly body is considered as ideal, when it coexists with God's existence. On the other hand, Allameh Tabataba'ee has based his arguments on some revealed reasons and rational foundations such as the rules of the judgment of resembles, the necessity of soul and body, compliance of corpse from soul, the originality of soul in the identity of human. He believes that what is considered necessary in resurrection day for rewarding deeds, has some resemblances with humanity and is realized with the existence of soul. It's not necessary that heavenly body be worldly in all its components and characteristics. Therefore, heavenly body is very similar to worldly body; however, from the soul point of view, the resurrected human in resurrection day is very much similar to worldly human. Adherence to the foundations of transcendent wisdom and citation of anecdotal evidences are among the similarities of these two wises in defining heavenly body. Allameh Tabataba'ee believes more in anecdotal evidences and the existence of soul and the adherence of body to the soul; and these make him distinguished compared to Mollasadra. These two wises are compared, analyzed and criticized in this study considering their philosophical as well as interpretive works.


Main Subjects

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