The Factors of the Purification of Soul According to Mulla Sadra

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University


The purification of soul is defined as purifying and clearing of soul for the purpose of growth, felicity and happiness of man. This purpose is pivotal in the Quran, and in the traditions of the innocent Ahlalbayt. Of course, achieving this high goal depends on the leadership and the guidance of Allah and it does not include all human beings and only includes those people whom Allah intends to guide. In this paper, we consider all different views regarding the purification of soul and deal with its position in the teachings and notions of Mulla Sadra. We also consider different factors such as the Quran, the prophets, the teachers, knowledge, worship and Allah's favor which all are important. Of these, the most useful is the exercise of purifying soul through paying one's attention to the world and worldly matters. Following Mulla Sadra's views, one can attain the purification of soul which is one of the basic goals in approaching Allah.


Main Subjects

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