An Inquiry on Periphery (Limit) Giving Power in the Theory of Constructional Perception

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Peyame Nour University, Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Lecturer at Payame Nour University, Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


The theory of constructional perceptions has been continuously studied by many researchers, critiques, and descriptors from different aspects of it over past few decades; hence there is still space for further research and investigations. On the base of the explanation of constructional perception given by Allameh Tabatabai, where he persist the cause of illusion force in the forming of dependability perception, also in his direct insertion in his books and in his arguments of the effect of imagination on the constructional perception, the present manuscript tries to elevate a problem and subsequently to find out its answers. On the base of books and great thinker's views, specifically on the base of the late Allameh Tabatabai’s views here we are following the ontological and epistemological prospective of these two forces and to find out the role of them or each of them in regulating the allowance of one thing over the other one. Current findings states that: 1) the function, role and the mechanism of these two forces are not elucidated in his writings. 2) If we focus on the reliability cycle of the human intelligence, further than the other forces, the role of the supposition is not refutable. 3) Although things like metaphors and implicit are of very important brainwave sources in the dependability perception of Allameh, but there exists some essential differences. 4) Overall we can extract a definition for constructional perception, which is more complete than any existing definitions in his and the other intellectuals' texts.


Main Subjects

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