The Relationship between Imagination and Knowledge in MullaSadra’s Philosophy

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD Student, Philosophy of Education, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


In this study, we try to show a pattern of philosophical view of Mulla Sadra about the relationship between imagination and knowledge based on an analytic methodology. The main purpose is presenting an image of the nature of the relation between imagination and knowledge, the aspects of the relation between imagination and knowledge and the role of imagination in the process of acquiring knowledge. Imagination is a general capacity of self (Soul) to encounter and work with fancy such as saving and preserving fancy (Mosavareh), changing in fancy (motasarefeh), imagery for comprehension (Motakhayaleh) and rationalize of rational images (Motafakereh).The subjective image is a transcript of soul of external reality and preparing, preserving and expanding of subjective images have been considered in this view as an interpretation of the concept of knowledge process. The relation of imagination with knowledge has been explained in four point; imagination and mental forming, imagination and the possibility of knowledge, imagination and the existence of knowledge, imagination and expanding of knowledge.The conclusion is that: 1-The existence of mind depends to imagination and fancy. 2- Imagination makespossible the knowledge by converting external reality to subjective image of external reality and even sensorial figure to illusive one. 3- Imagination by preserving of images, keeping them accessible, leads to the preservation of knowledge. 4-Because knowledge has an integrated existence and the connection of scientific images, mentally, makes by imagination, then, imagination is the basis of new knowledge. 5- Imagination is an essential part of fanciful and rational understanding in human mind.


Main Subjects

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