Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor at Payame Noor University, Qom, Iran

2 M.A. in Philosophy and Religion, Payam Noor University, Qom, Iran(corresponding author)


Human is always looking for the path to happiness and discovering the truth of himself. He researches ways inside and outside of the soul to come to the truth and measures their consistency and certainty. One of those epistemic pathways is called self-knowledge. This path, which is in fact the Spiritual Journey, guides man to the right of transcendence by the knowing of the self. Ghazali knows the self-knowledge is the key of knowing God and believes that knowing the angels, the hereafter, and all knowledge is possible through this. He explains how to perceive by using the perceptual forces of the breath. He believes that by passing through worldly belongings, man can become Intellectual world that included all reasonableness. Ghazali introduces the perception of the truth and the achievement of divine love as the happiness of man. From Mulla Sadra's perspective selfknowledge is final word of knowledge and proves that all perceptual hierarchy, spiritual and immaterial, so that with a continuous movement the talents of human perceptual faculties come into the actualizing and a stronger perceptual faculty emerges in man. Thus, by eliminating the opacities of the worldly belongings, man attains his special perfection, which is unity with the active intellect and gets promoted to the degree which creatures become the components of his essence and his power flows in all and its existence is the goal of creatures and eventually reaches the status of the divine esteem.


Main Subjects

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