Document Type : Scientific Research


Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Science-ology or the philosophy of sciences developed by Muslim philosophers has had many different aspects. The most important of which is the problem of "the more particular accidents" or "accidents by the more particular". Although such difficulty had been just one of the problems for knowing science for the predecessors, it has been gradually changed to the most important problem and then to the only problem for some. The product and result of this problem is that based on rules for knowing science, it is not authorized in sciences to discuss about the attributes and accidents which are predicated on subject through a medium. At the same time, we see that in many sciences, such advice is not observed, and mostly in various sciences, the discussion involves the modes and accidents specific to all kinds of subjects of sciences, all of which are with mediums. So far as the time of Sadra, four solutions have been presented by Ibn-e Sina, Qutb-al-din-e Razi, Jorjani, and Mohaghegh Davaani. First we report the predecessors' solutions for solving this problem, and then we study the criticisms made by Sadra against each one of them. He believes that none of the predecessors have managed to solve the problem and all have become perplexed concerning it. Sadra maintains that the problem is originated from the intermingle of two groups of accidents, i.e. the more particular accidents and the accidents by the more particular; so by distinguishing between them, the problem shall be settled. Stating Sadra's view, this paper treats its assessment showing that although the solution tends to open up some of the ambiguities, the difficulty in another area shall still be remained unsettled. In the last it is stated that the newer assertions of Jorjani's view, so called "the theory of convention", shall be more efficient for solving the problem.


Main Subjects

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