Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD. Candidate in Transcendental Theosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran(corresponding author).

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


The problem of knowledge and topics surrounding it have been discussed sporadically in Suhrawardi's works, making it difficult to explain his final point. In order to gather and re-examine the components of his theory, these sporadic remarks and ideas have been restored in two parts consisting of the iconoclasm and the ishraqi theory. In the first part, he has criticised the peripatetics and he has made objections to the various theories of knowledge, especially knowledge by means of definition, sensory perception, first concepts or prior to experience, and in another part, which is his ishraqis theory, while referring knowledge to basar, He has Quoted and criticized the various ideas about the quality of ibsar, such as the theory of the departure of the radius and the theory of impression, and has considered the truth of Al-ibsar as Ishraqi reloction and the truth of knowledge as the presence and appearance of objects. In this article, through enumerating the views and exploring the components of the theory of Suhrawardi about knowledge, we have elaborated and explained Mulla Sadra's critiques on it, and have studied and analyzed their differences.


Main Subjects

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