Document Type : Scientific Research


Associate Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


A prayer is a plan by the religious law in order to remove sensuous impurities and is considered as a purification of the lesser and the greater sensual impurities and defilements. The corporal prayer is a bodily outward prayer and the spiritual prayer is a genuine inward prayer. The spiritual prayer is the gnosis and knowledge of God and the recognition of His deeds and attributes and is of the kind of wisdom and knowledge. The corporal prayer is devoutness and humility of the body and similarity to humanity truth and his separation from animals and the wild beats. These two types of the prayer is a sign of the relationship between the visible and invisible world and also the angel and the Divine nature and is the manifestation of the relationship between body and soul. The bodily or corporal prayer is effective in enlightening heart, as the lights shining from the heart towards the human appearance. The command of the Islamic legislator in corporal prayer is the coordination between the body and heart or outward and inward in order to cause no inconvenience for the inward action by appearance and as a result it fulfills its deed.

A prayer is a plan by the religious law in order to remove sensuous impurities and is considered as a purification of the lesser and the greater sensual impurities and defilements. The corporal prayer is a bodily outward prayer and the spiritual prayer is a genuine inward prayer. The spiritual prayer is the gnosis and knowledge of God and the recognition of His deeds and attributes and is of the kind of wisdom and knowledge. The corporal prayer is devoutness and humility of the body and similarity to humanity truth and his separation from animals and the wild beats.


Main Subjects

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