Document Type : Scientific Research


PhD. Student in Philosophy and Islamic Theology of Qom University, Qom, Iran.


(Almighty) God's knowledge and the way to reach the infinite being has always been the concern of great philosophers. In Mulla Sadra's standpoint, it is not possible to perceive divine nature, but proof for Almighty God is possible in the form of an argument similar to Lemma. In the proofs of God, the only thing that proves to be that this concept has an instance, but no cognition to instance is obtained for us. The purpose of Mulla Sadra from the Seddiqin's argument is the knowledge of the essence of the Almighty God from the effects and creatures, and everyone as much as her existential degree by observing the creatures of Almighty God, will achieve the knowledge by presentation of the Almighty God from behind Hijab. This explanation does not lead to negative theology, but at the same time emphasizing the dissimilarity between the Creator and the creature in terms of existential intensity and their difference in terms of finitude and infinity, there is also an emphasis on objectivity of unity and difference.


Main Subjects

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