Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD. Student in Hikmat Mutaaliah, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran(corresponding author).

2 Associate Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.


Believing in transubstantial movement- in other words the fluidity of the world- is one of the key beliefs in the outlook of Mulla Sadra. This belief has a wide-ranging impact on both the morality and the psychology of humans. If anyone believes in transubstantial movement, all three of his mind’s context are subject to change and believing in each three of these contexts has a major impact. In this article, we are going to discuss the effects of believing in transubstantial movement on the development of cognitive context and ideology of human psychology using a phenomenological approach and in an intuitive and introspective manner. The most important effects of this belief on the cognitive domain and human psychology are first the process of seeing oneself and the world. To a person with such view, the world is no longer a static world that is finished, but rather a world that has a becoming and human also has a dynamic identity and constantly forms his identity. The second belief that is strengthened by the process of seeing oneself and the world, and is influential in the formation of feelings and emotions is believing in the unpredictability and uncertainty of the world and human beings.


Main Subjects

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