Document Type : Scientific Research


1 PhD. Student in Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran(corresponding author).

2 Assistant Professor, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.


Mulla Sadra proves that the mind is an abstract being. But it is not something distinct from the body that requires substance dualism, i.e. to demonstration of soul or soul’s faculties such as imagination, doesn't make the identity of person dual. But even assuming the immateriality of the mind will be compatible with the unity of mind and body. Mulla Sadra does not believe that the reality of man is material substance which has two states: physical and mental. Now, the question arises is that according to the ideas of philosophy of mind, Mulla Sadra's theory of mind is a substance dualism, or an identity of the mind and body or the property duality? Basically, how is his theory of mind relative to these views? But he knows the mind is a substance that appears in the lower level and in this state it is the faculties. Analysis of Sadra's approach, shows the position of his theory in the philosophy of mind and explains the difference between it and other similar theories like the theory of substance dualism, property dualism and identity theory. Mulla Sadra's theory can be interpreted as a hierarchical dualism. In this article we explain this dualism and specify the distinction between it and these theories: substance dualism, property dualism and identity of mind and body.


Main Subjects

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