Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


From rational viewpoint, there are many questions concerning the permanency of hellions in the next world, which result in some controversies between philosophers. According to philosophers, God is Omnipotent, all Powerful, all Gracious, and at the same time, needless to people’s obedience. Furthermore, nothing, including the sins of guilty of, can hurt Him. Thus, why God punishes guilty? Augustine says concerning the end of things which involved in permanent pain and argues that to believe that human beings involved in permanent corporeal pain is difficult than to believe that they enjoy permanent happiness. Therefore, he first argues about people who have been convicted to permanent punishment. It seems that, in this regard, Mulla Sadra’s viewpoint is somehow inconsistent. On the one hand, based on Quranic verses, he believes in hellions permanency and on the other hand, based on philosophical principles, denies that conviction. This paper devoted to the viewpoints of these two Muslim and Christian thinkers concerning the permanency of hellions.


Main Subjects

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