Document Type : Scientific Research




The concept of the substance in the Islamic philosophy - By raising the relation of existence and essence in Farabi and Ibn-Sina's thinking- differs greatly from Aristotle's philosophy. In fact, Farabi and his followers of Ibn Sina change their place in Islamic philosophy by transforming the system of Islamic philosophy and placing the concept of essence below the divisions of essence. This transformation has also widened in the ratio between substance and accidents. At the center of Sadra's thinking, which is the fundamental reality of existence, most of the philosophical issues are uncovered with a new image, which is the concept of substance and its relation to the accidents. Mulla-Sadra has transformed most philosophical issues, including the concept of Substance, into three steps. InThe first step, along with the people, express the views of the predecessors on the substance and its relationship with the accidents. In the next step, in line with the principles of Sadra's doctrin, he presents a new picture of the problem. In this step, two interpretations is observable at the relationship between the substance and accidents. In the first interpretation, according to the view that the essence exists accidental of the existence, the substance and the accident still have two ontological status and accidents also is independent from substance. But according to the second interpretation, which the essence has the epistemological dignity, The substance and its accidents are present in one being, accidents are Dignities of the substance. In this paper, we try to examine the evolution of the problem of the relation of substance and accidents, and give a more precise explanation of the finer image of Mull-Sadra to resolve some of the bugs.


Main Subjects

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