Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University Professor


The actuality of the soul in the emergence of perception accepted by Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra. The acceptance of this view has two fundamental questions that shape the focus of the present research. The first question is how the power soul has a perceptual appearance, while at the very beginning it lacks it. And in the second question, considering that desires and sensual tendencies are in the direction of effective will, how can one between the selfish self-activity in the emergence of perception and the theory of conformity and the criterion of the truth of that collective form in response to The first question is expressed that the soul first accepts and after the study of the queen of the form, an object appears and in response to The second question states that self-determination in education is the basis of the emergence of perceptual forms. Also, self-actualization is related to the sensory forms of the subject matter, whose will does not interfere with it, and in relation to the first testimonies of the soul, it is necessary to make predicate proof for the subject and In the assertions of the theorem that returns to the axioms, when the initiation of analogy is put together, the result is derived from the causal principle, and the will of the soul does not interfere in determining the outcome, hence the inference does not conform to the viewpoint.


Main Subjects

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