Document Type : Scientific Research


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The principle of monotheism in the knowledge of the word, which is responsible for proving, explaining and defending the principles of belief, has a special status as the fundamental principle. The importance of monotheism as an underlying principle is to a degree that is the basis of religious teachings. Among the various meanings of monotheism, what is emphasized in religious teachings and which is the basis of the invitation of the prophets is monotheism. In this article, the rational arguments of Muslim philosophies have been discussed and evaluated in the demonstration of monotheism.
The principle of monotheism in the knowledge of the word, which is responsible for proving, explaining and defending the principles of belief, has a special status as the fundamental principle. The importance of monotheism as an underlying principle is to a degree that is the basis of religious teachings. Among the various meanings of monotheism, what is emphasized in religious teachings and which is the basis of the invitation of the prophets is monotheism. In this article, the rational arguments of Muslim philosophies have been discussed and evaluated in the demonstration of monotheism.


Main Subjects

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