Document Type : Scientific Research


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The concepts of general concepts are divided into three categories: the first rational, the rational second, and the rational Second Phylosophy. The preceding study, with an analytical and descriptive method in Allamah Tabatabai's opinions, led to the conclusion that he introduced a reasonable philosophical second to concepts Whose concepts of subjectivity and their interconnections have been defined and the role of the science of presence in achieving it. The Tabatabaian authorities understand the concepts as being, unnecessary, and so on. They have some concepts Are explicitly described in terms of secrets, but they have not, on any account, been conceived to be reasonable in the sense that they are secondary, or even stated Being sensible first, but considering their basics, one can count on this category. From the point of view of philosophical Secondary Allamah Tabatabai, it has many characteristics. The most important feature of this category is the abstraction of the findings of the science of presence.


Main Subjects

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