Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Department of islamic philosophy, Mazandaran University

2 Department of Islamic teaching


Mulla Sadra has presented a definition of morality which according to innovative classification of this article is define to internal qualities and actually rooted ability of human soul of which moral behavior originates (Malake) that is similar to Mashaie’s definitions. But analyzing of Sadra’s philosophical foundations such as substantial motion shows basic differences in his conceptualization of Morals. This article tries to representation and upgrade of Sadra’s definition of morality with comparative method. Also presenting a definition according to agents and factors of moral behavior which is important in other sciences is innovation of this article. Morality is a kind of appearance of degree of being (existence), in response to confronting and facing situations, problems, conflicts or what includes an intention, decision-making or doing conduct (act) which is optional, In the context of what is considered good or bad in his argument or society, that the individual uses in his response to all his internal capacities (such as Knowledge and knowledge tools, forces of nature, motivation and affection, physical forces and etc.) And of course, with the priority of intellectual thought and this answer is expressed in various ways.


Main Subjects

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