Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Faculty of Department of Philosophy and Islamic Kalam-tehran university

2 Department of Philosophy and theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Theory of contingency corporeal and continuance spiritual of soul human, was from excellency sadrolmoteallehin creations.
The theory of the corporeality of contingency and the spirituality of subsistence in relation to the soul were Sadrolmotealehin's innovations.
Based on those theories, he solved many problems in the realm of human ascension and found deep philosophical expressions concerning them.
But, his viewpoints on clarifying religious stages like the before existence world(Alame Zar),tests taken from human beings before entering the material world,the concept of descent and, etc were of no success or achievement.
Allame Tabatabaie, God mercy upon him, opened new doors to the humanity approach of philosophy as a philosopher adept in Sadrian philosophy and familiar with the Quran,prophets and their relatives(Ahl-e Beyt).There are innovative analysis and clarification Mula Sadra's philosophy should be previewed by.
Allame clarifies all the human existing worlds, the before existence period, its rules and even better clarifies the human ascension


Main Subjects

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