Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Graduate in Comparative Philosophy, Tabriz University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Tabriz

3 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Tabriz University


The existence of scientific crises of every age challenges the thinkers with serious challenges, and each thinker, on the basis of understanding his scientific and scientific issues, is somehow trying to solve a crisis and bring science to a secure safe beach.
The emergence of new problems and conflicts in science, religion, and philosophy led Immanuel Kant and Allamah Tabatabai to take a fresh and more serious look at these scientific problems and try to solve existing crises. And both thinkers saw some sort of solution to their time problems in reoccurring with metaphysics. Kant, in the traditional metaphysics conception and definition, could not accept the existing metaphysics as a certainty piece of science, and erased the traditional metaphysics from the science list.
Allameh, on the contrary, conceived metaphysics as a scientific science, with the notion and definition of traditional metaphysics, so that the certainty of other sciences was possible in the light of the existence and possibility of realization of metaphysics.
In the present paper, the metaphysical philosophy will examine the views of both thinkers in a variety of ways, such as the definition of traditional metaphysics and its method, as well as the quality of its propositions and its relation to other sciences, to explain why each and every one has gone a different way to the same questions. It ultimately concludes that the metaphysics reached by these two thinkers has been different from the foundation, which has led to two different ways.


Main Subjects

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