Document Type : Scientific Research


The life and its issues don’t separate from philosophy at all. From the beginning of philosophical investigations in ancient times, attention to life and finding the right way to live were one of the most important issues of philosophical thought of philosophers. This process continued with ups and downs in the history of philosophy and nowadays has been restored. Philosophical investigation about these matters is called wisdom of life. Some philosophers would have put these matters as main theme of his philosophical meditations. But Mulla sadra doesn’t . Such issues can not explicitly found in his metaphysical philosophy. But it does not mean that we can not use his thoughts in wisdom of life. Our claim in this paper is that his ontological principles and foundations can use in the wisdom of life; foundations and principles such as principality of existence, simplicity of existence, Individuation of Existence, Similarity and Unity of Perfections, Gradation of Existence. These principles and foundations have important implications and significations about the wisdom of life and they can guide the human being to their right and good life.


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