Document Type : Scientific Research


Kant, the famous German philosopher, has tried in his Landmark book, Critique of Pure Reason, to give the conditions of possibility of universal and necessary knowledge and thereby Specify bounds of understanding. Synthetic a priori judgment is possible, on Kant’s viewpoint, only if the pure forms of time and space determine given representations. He tries to show that the pure forms of understanding or the categories must be applied to intuitions which determined by time and space, as a condition of the objective experimental judgment. On his viewpoint, all conditions of recognition are also conditioned by the transcendental unity of apperception. Kant’s transcendental I and his explanation for the conditions of possibility of knowledge gives a reason to compare with the doctrine of intuitive knowledge and theory of the appearance of a perceptions plurality in the philosophical system of Allameh Tabatabaei. He considers the condition for any knowledge to be present to subject, so that there is ontological unity and connection. He is the first philosopher in the Islamic Philosophy tradition who gives a creative explanation for the appearance. This article aims the describe and interpret the mechanism of possibility of knowledge in two philosophical system of Allameh Tabatabaei and Kant


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