Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Ph.D. Student in Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasegan), Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of Philosophy and Theologhy, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasegan), Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theologhy, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasegan), Isfahan, Iran


According to Rorty the problem of our philosophical tradition to be the Platonic notion that man has the Glassy Essence by which we reflect the world around us, and this view of man results in the duality of mind and body, and ultimately the separation of human from the world. This paper is a descriptive method and content analysis and the main issue of this paper is how the nature of man and the world is described in Rorty's thought which leads to monism and Mulla Sadra's critique on what basis. The findings of this study indicate that in Rorty's Non- reductive physicalism, all lines between human and the world are removed and only the causation is established, which is a materialist view of man and the world. But Mulla  Sadra does not accept the dualism of body and soul on the basis of the principality of existence, substantial motion, the gradation of being, and finally with theory of ”Theophany”, and assumes a kind of human existential relation with the universe where the soul is nothing but the perfected body and the body is the cheap of soul.


Main Subjects

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