Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology , Qom University, Qom, Iran(corresponding author)

2 Phd student of Islamic Theology , Qom University, Qom, Iran


The principle of “One” (Al-Wahid) is one of the most famous philosophical principle admitted by philosophers, but theologians such as Ghazali and Fakhr Razi did not accept this principle and tried to refute it. The most important proof is provided by Avicenna, and efforts have been made after him to strengthen these proofs and respond the criticism of it. Mohammad Husayn Gharawi Isfahaani ( the theologian and philosopher of 20th century), who has accepted Al-Wahid's principle, has argued and propounded some arguments that by using The” Necessity by something else”,” Essential possibility” and” Existential possibility” give clear explanations of it. By referring to necessity and possibility he concluded that multiplicity of these things result in the multiplicity of the essence of cause and effect and their respective aspects, and in contradiction with unity. The purpose of this essay is to provide a clear explanation of his arguments.


Main Subjects

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