Document Type : Scientific Research


Faculty member payame noor


Abstract:The issue of social sciences is of interest to many Islamic thinkers in this field and they are trying to free these issues from relativism. Allameh has been unique in this matter and has discussed credit perceptions in detail, which has been more than Allameh's innovations. In general, perceptions have two types, real and credit perceptions. True perceptions are independent and the criterion is the obvious conclusion of theoretical perceptions, and self-evident perceptions are the criterion and do not need an external criterion. But what matters is the credit perceptions on which the foundations of ethics, law, and the social sciences depend. These perceptions can be explained by the mechanism of validation, in the sense that a relation is first perceived externally between two real things, which is a real relation and is realized externally; But because of his feelings, man takes this real relationship out of its real place and puts it between himself and something else. In cases where validation occurs, that perceived external relation is always thought of as rationally philosophical. Allameh believes that one should not confuse the origin of the object with the object itself. In general, Allameh's relativism is quite different from the famous relativism. The criterion for cognition in credit perceptions is to be able to assume "must" in it. In the present article, we try to examine the criterion of the validity of recognizing credit perceptions in the social sciences and present its consequences.
Keywords: Allameh Tabatabai, Real Perceptions, Credit Perceptions, Criterion of Truth, Must, Relativism.


Main Subjects

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