Document Type : Scientific Research


Associate Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Wisdom, Hakimsabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran


Hakim Aqa Ali Mudarres is a prominent innovative transcendental wise. Solidifying foundations and reaching conclusion by utilization of reason and tradition are common distinguishing factors in his work. "appeasement in Bedayat and variance in Nehayat" was a noted approach he took in order to diligently preserve Sadr-al-Mota'alehin's perspective. this approach has been misunderstood by some of the researchers. They have stuck in the early stages of his theory and could not make it to the final stages of transcendental wisdom. They have distorted the standpoint and the approach of this sublime sage. The gradation of being could be subjected to fallacy. The article "Specific Gradation of Being from Agha Ali Mudarres' Standpoint" has tried to weaken the sage's attitude in specific gradation of being and by so doing limits the sage's opinion of unity to disproof of personal unity of existence. Deconstruction of statements, distortion of views by getting stuck in the early stages, and bizarre objections to the sage are what that article offers. A reference to the text of the sage will reveal shortcomings and weaknesses of the claims made by this article in composition, understanding, and judgment of the sage's viewpoint of gradation of being and its utilization in proof and explanation of personal unity of existence.


Main Subjects

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