Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Masters Student in Islamic Studies and Public Administration and Public Policy, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Theology and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Policy making to change human behavior in different areas of health, education, environment, economic, cultural, etc. is one of the main concerns of policymakers at the community level. So there are generally three approaches to achieving this: legal, educational, and behavioral. In this regard, there are mainly two legal and educational approaches, and the behavioral approach to policy making is neglected. In this regard, various behavioral models have been proposed by Western and Islamic scholars to explain human behavior. This article explains the behavioral model of man from the perspective of Islamic wisdom with an emphasis on the thoughts of Allameh Tabatabai. In other words by reviewing Allameh Tabatabai's ideas a list of factors affecting human behavior has been prepared and a model based on them has been presented. The main issue of this research is the question of factors affecting human behavior in a conceptual model from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai. According to the final model, external environmental factors (architecture and geography) and social factors (social habits and norms) along with internal factors such as soul habits, temperament, soul faculties, heredity affect human perceptions and all perceptions and factors are under the control of soul attention. They lead to the will and the issuance of the verb. Finally, some examples of its implications for explaining public behavior and public policy are cite.


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