Document Type : Scientific Research


1 Faculty member at center for Islamic studies and Humanities, Sharif University of Technology

2 Researcher


The famous Norwegian pacifist Johann Galtung considers violence to have three sides: direct, structural and cultural. Cultural violence refers to a type of violence that is allowed in the context of a culture and its perpetration is not considered negative and inappropriate, and also is the cause or justification of other types of violence. In Galtung's view, culture includes ideology, religion, language, art, etc. In this article, in accordance with Sadra's intellectual system, we will deal only with the theological aspects of culture and ignore other aspects. Religious violence is a form of cultural violence in which a "religion" legitimizes violence. The view of the perpetrators of such violence is knowing oneself as the absolute right and considering others as the absolute void, which leads to the sanctification of violence and intolerance of others. The present article aims to show that there are effective principles for reducing this type of violence in Sadra's intellectual system. In addition to rejecting epistemic pluralism, Sadra believes that most human beings will benefit from salvation in the hereafter - which is considered a kind of salvation pluralism. Such a view, by broadening the tolerance of others paves the way for the reduction of religious violence, and in Galtung's words, cultural violence. Also, the inherent dignity that Sadra bestows on human beings is a strong obstacle to religious violence. In addition, man's vast divine mercy and being the caliph of God cause human mercy to outweigh their anger towards the creatures, and as a result, violence gives way to peace and friendship. The impossibility of compulsion in religion is also one of Sadra's intellectual principles in this regard. These principles can be deduced from the principles of the authenticity of existence, gradation in existence, the concoimtance of existence and goodness and the substantial motion.


Main Subjects

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