Study of the Purgatory and Otherworldly Life of Animals from the Perspective of Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran


The resurrection of animals is one of the topics that has always been controversial among philosophers, theologians and religious leaders. Some of them believe that the animal's souls have no survival after death, and others who have accepted the abstraction of animals believe in their resurrection. In this article, while accepting the resurrection of the animal's souls based on verses and hadiths, the purgatory and otherworldly life of animals from the perspective of two philosophers of transcendent wisdom, Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini, is examined and what is the difference between animal and human resurrection and Is this resurrection common to all animals, or is the manner of the resurrection of animals also different from each other, and what will be the end of these souls, and is there any happiness and misery for the animals in the world of the Hereafter? In this article, while answering the above questions, one of the most important issues of soul reunification, ie the presence or absence of imagination in animals, is examined. Proof of imagination in animals is one of the reasons for proving their celibacy. Then, by stating other reasons for the celibacy of the animal souls and based on the views of Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini, it is finally concluded that animals that have the power of imagination, by connecting to their kind, have purgatory celibacy and have a minor personal resurrection on the Day of Resurrection. Other animals have a connection and with their death they unite with their Lord and lose their determination.


Main Subjects

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